Investment TC-C15-i05 – Decarbonization of Public Transport


Alsa Todi - Operation AML Southeast


Acquisition of 44 electric buses for the urban public passenger transport service and respective charging infrastructure.


Within the scope of the Paris Agreement, Portugal made a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a commitment that requires an emissions reduction of more than 85% in relation to 2005 emissions, and a carbon sequestration capacity of 13 million tons. Specifically in the transport sector, which is considered one of the main emitters, the targets to be achieved are even more ambitious, as they imply, by 2050, a reduction in emissions of 98% in relation to 2005, and the incorporation of between 94% and 96% renewable energy in its consumption.

Despite being recognized as essential for economic development and social cohesion, the transport sector is simultaneously one of the main responsible for primary energy consumption and one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so the strategy to mitigating the impact that this sector produces in terms of GHG emissions involves modernizing and improving public transport systems, making them more attractive and competitive to the detriment of individual transport.

This is also a challenge that is explicit in the European Ecological Pact [COM (2019) 640], which, in order to promote sustainable EU economic growth and dissociated from the exploitation of resources, aims to implement cleaner forms of public and private transport. , cheaper and healthier, thus promoting Sustainable Mobility.

Despite the improvements achieved in recent years, in Portugal the average age of public transport fleets remains high (more than 15 years) and there is a low rate of more environmentally sustainable vehicles. In addition to this reality, it appears that the cost difference between a 100% clean bus and an equivalent diesel bus (EURO VI) is still significant, making this situation an obstacle to the preferential choice for this type of vehicle.

This operation will promote the renewal of the ALSA TODI METROPOLITANA DE LISBOA bus fleet, with the acquisition of efficient buses that use clean energy sources, that is, with better environmental performance, through the acquisition of new buses powered exclusively by electricity (batteries) . These buses will be used to provide public passenger transport services under public transport service provision contracts established between transport operators and transport authorities. At the same time, this operation also includes the installation of electrical charging stations for use by the vehicles to be purchased.

With the acquisition of Clean Buses to renew and reinforce fleets, ALSA TODI METROPOLITANA DE LISBOA hopes to make a significant impact in promoting the use of public transport, through strengthening the offer, increasing comfort and quality of service provided, as well how it hopes to contribute to decarbonization and support the energy transition of the transport sector, through the reduction of GHG emissions, thus contributing to Portugal's achievement of its commitment to the Paris Agreement.

The operation has the following specific objectives:

  • Acquisition of 44 public transport vehicles powered by cleaner energy sources by the end of 2023;
  • Installation of 44 fueling stations using cleaner energy sources for public transport fleets, by the end of 2023;
  • An estimated decrease in annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 2927.28 tonCO2eq, by the end of 2023;
  • An estimated decrease in annual energy consumption of 77.30 toe, by the end of 2023.

Result of the public tender

44 new electric buses and respective charging stations delivered by the end of October 2023.

Following the completion of the public tender (national and international), for the acquisition of 44 electric buses for the urban public passenger transport service and respective charging infrastructure, ALSA TODI METROPOLITANA DE LISBOA awarded the proposal presented by the competitor EF - Energia Fundamental, Mobilidade Elétrica, Lda., representative in Portugal of the Chinese company Zhongtong Bus (ZT Bus).

The overall value of the contract awarded with EF - Energia Fundamental, Mobilidade Elétrica is €19,149,999.55, and concerns 44 100% electric vehicles from the Zhongtong Bus brand and the installation of forty-four charging stations, thirty in Varzinha collection station and fourteen at the Moita collection station.